Mayor Terresa Lynes

Term expires: 15 October, 2027

Tel: 9397 3281
Mob: 0400 330 568

Social: Facebook | Linkedin

Elected as Mayor in 2021, Terresa is a dedicated council member who has lived in the City of Gosnells for over 30 years and has raised her children in the community. She is committed to creating a vibrant and inclusive community while also being mindful of responsible financial management.

Her priorities include:

  • Providing informative and enjoyable events for everyone
  • Enhancing the natural environment
  • Reducing crime
  • Keeping the City clean and well-maintained and
  • Delivering quality services.

Terresa understands the importance of engaging with community members to deliver their priorities. She encourages active engagement, which can include having a chat at the local shop, hosting meetings and events, and building partnerships with community organisations. This allows her to understand the needs and concerns of the community and to work together to find solutions that meet those needs.

Terresa values new ideas and fresh perspectives and is keen to explore new ways of thinking and doing things together. With a Diploma in Local Government and a background in small business, Terresa is dedicated to continually upskilling to ensure she is across all aspects of local government.

Along with the role of Mayor for the City of Gosnells, Terresa is also the President of the WA Branch of the Australian Local Government Women's Association, the Chairperson for the Thornlie Senior High School Board, a Board Member of the Gosnells Community Legal Centre, and a representative for the National Growth Areas Alliance Strategic Advisory Committee.
