The City in partnership with the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES), maintains fire protection strategies and monitors the fire risk within the district.Â
Total Fire Ban
The ban includes:
- During a Total Fire Ban it is illegal to light, maintain or use a fire in the open air, or carry out any activity that causes or is likely to cause a fire.
- You cannot use any barbecue or cooker that requires solid fuel such as wood or charcoal in the open air. This includes wood fired ovens or stoves, and kettle (Weber) barbecues. Undercover areas such as patios, pergolas and huts which are open or partially open to the weather are deemed to be in the open air.
- Use of incinerators
- Driving off-road, except for agricultural purposes (unless a Harvest Vehicle Movement Ban is in place)
- The outdoor use of a welder or power operated abrasive cutting discs of any kind is not allowed during a Total Fire Ban. This includes grinding, soldering, gas cutting and all other forms of ‘hot work’.
- Use of bee keeping smokersÂ
For Total Fire Ban information please visit the Emergency WA related link below.
Firebreak installation and hazard reduction are legal requirements within the district.
As a measure for preventing the outbreak of a bush fire, or for preventing the spread or extension of a bush fire, all owners and occupiers of land within the City’s district are required to clear firebreaks or to take measures in accordance with the Annual Firebreak Notice. In addition, firebreaks are required to be maintained and fire hazard reduction measures undertaken in accordance with that Notice.
Reducing fire hazards is the responsibility of the land owner and occupier (see Emergency Management).
Firebreak and fire hazard inspections
Firebreak and fire hazard inspections are carried out by City of Gosnells Fire Control Officers.
Property owners that do not comply with the City’s firebreak requirements may be infringed or prosecuted and/or hazard reduction work may be carried out by the City at the property owner’s expense.
If fire prevention measures are carried out by burning, such burning must be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Bush Fires Act 1954 and the City of Gosnells Public Health Local Law 2017.Â
To report a fire hazard please contact Ranger Services on 9397 3000.
Penalty for non-compliance with the Fire Hazard Reduction Notice
Failing to comply with the requirements of a Notice is an offence under the Bush Fires Act 1954 (Act), which carries a penalty of up to $5,000.
In addition, where the owner or occupier of the land fails to comply with a Notice, the City may enter the land to carry out the work required to comply with a Notice and also recover any costs or expenses incurred in carrying out that work from the owner or occupier of the land.
Download: Fire Hazard Reduction Notice
Burning rubbish, refuse or other material
A person shall not on any land less than 2000 square metres in area, set fire to or cause to be set on fire, any rubbish, refuse or other material.
Restricted Burning | Prohibited Burning | Restricted Burning |
Permits required from 1 October to 30 November | From 1 December to 31 March | Permits required from 1 April to 31 May |
Restricted and prohibited burning periods may be modified due to un-seasonal weather patterns. Changes will be advertised.
Prohibited burning times
During the prohibited burning times it is unlawful to set fire to or cause to be set on fire, any rubbish, refuse or other material.
Restricted burning times
During the restricted burning times, it is unlawful to set fire to or cause to be set on fire, any rubbish, refuse or other material without a permit.
Other times
At all other times, burning is permitted subject to compliance with the requirements of Clause 3.2 and 3.3 of the City of Gosnells Public Health Local Law 2017.
Conditions below.
3.2 Burning rubbish, refuse or other material
- A person shall not on any land less than 2,000 square metres in area, set fire to or cause to be set on fire, any rubbish, refuse or other material.
- A person shall not on any land 2,000 square metres or greater in area set fire to rubbish, refuse or other material unless the burning complies with the Bush Fires Act 1954, and any annual fire hazard reduction notice issued by the local government under that Act.
- A person shall not on any land 2,000 square metres or greater in area set fire to rubbish, refuse or other material –
- that includes any plastic, rubber, food scraps, or green garden materials; or
- when a haze alert has been issued by the Bureau of Meteorology for the period during which burning is to take place.
- Subclauses (1), (2) and 3(b) shall not apply to any barbeque, solid fuel water heater, space heater or ovens fired with dry paper, dry wood, synthetic char or charcoal type fuel.
3.3. Escape of fumes, odours and other emissions
An owner or occupier of land or premises shall not cause or permit the escape of fumes or odours from the land or premises in such quantity or of such a nature as to cause or to be a nuisance to any person.
Fire Permit
Apply for a fire permit or attend the Civic Centre during office hours.
The issuing of a permit does not preclude any state government regulations or requirements, that may apply to burning of the material.
NOTE: At all times the Department of Fire & Emergency Services should be notified on 9395 9209 at least 15 minutes prior to commencing your burn.