Ordinary Council Meetings
Ordinary Council Meetings are generally held on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, excluding January which is set aside for Councillors’ annual leave. Meetings commence at 7pm in the Council Chamber and the public are welcome to attend. The Council Chamber is located at the City's Civic Centre, 2120 Albany Highway, Gosnells.
The Council Meeting Agenda is placed on the City's website on the Thursday prior to the meeting date. The Council Meeting Minutes will be available on the website on the Friday following the meeting. A full index of Council items and resolutions is available throughout the year so you can stay informed about Council decisions without having to read the full Council Minutes.
Question Time and Public Statements
With the consent of the Presiding Member, members of the public have the opportunity to ask questions on any relevant Council Business at Item 6.1 "Question Time" of the Agenda. Members of the public are requested to complete the Question Time Form and submit it to the City by noon on the day preceding the meeting. Please refer to the Question Time for the Public Guidelines for further information.
Public Statements may be made on any matter contained within the Council Meeting Agenda at Item 6.2 "Public Statements", provided that the person has completed the Public Statement Form in full and submitted it to the City prior to the commencement of the meeting. Members of the public are encouraged to submit statements by noon on the day preceding the meeting in order to allow statements to be circulated to Elected Members for review and consideration.
Information relating to online petitions, how to seek support, how to submit and what happens after submission can be found on the Elector Petitions page.
Special Council Meetings
- New Council
Following the biennial local government elections, a Special Council Meeting is held for the purpose of swearing in the newly elected Mayor and Councillors as well as election of the Deputy Mayor. The next New Council Meeting will be held following the next Local Government Election in October 2025.
- Budget Meeting
A Special Council Meeting for the purpose of adopting the Budget, setting the Rates, fees and charges and other consequential items arising from the budget papers is generally held in early July. The 2025/26 Budget meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 1 July 2025.
Annual Meeting of Electors
When is the Annual Meeting of Electors held?
The Annual Meeting of Electors is held annually after the City of Gosnells Annual Report is adopted by Council. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 4 February 2025 commencing at 6pm in Council Chambers at the Civic Centre, 2120 Albany Highway, Gosnells.
Where can I view the Agenda for the meeting?
The Agenda and supplementary meeting documents are available on the Agenda and Minutes page of this website.
Do I need to register to attend the meeting?
There is no requirement to pre-register to attend the meeting however, attendees must sign the attendance register at the meeting and provide their name and address. This is to enable the City to determine whether attendees are electors.
Do I need to be an elector to attend the meeting?
You do not need to be an elector to attend the meeting however, only electors may move, second, speak to and vote on motions.
How do I raise a motion for consideration at the meeting?
Electors may raise a motion that is related to the responsibilities and functions of local government. It is preferable that motions be provided in advance to governanceadmin@gosnells.wa.gov.au
To raise a motion an elector is required to complete the Annual Meeting of Electors Proposed Motion Form. Copies will also be made available at the Meeting.
Each elector attending the meeting is entitled to one vote on each matter to be decided however, there is no requirement to vote.
How are decisions made at the Annual Meeting of Electors considered by Council?
Decisions made at electors' meetings are considered by Council at the next Ordinary Council Meeting, or as soon as practicable.
A report is presented to Elected Members addressing all decisions made at the meeting, including any proposed actions. Reports include a recommendation from City staff as to how decisions should be progressed, for Council's consideration.
Information on the decisions made at the Annual Meetings of Electors is provided at the following Annual Meeting of Electors.
If I have questions, who can I ask?
If you have questions related to this meeting, please contact the Governance team by emailing governanceadmin@gosnells.wa.gov.au or by calling the City on 9397 3000.
Other Meetings
From time to time a Special Council Meeting may be convened by the Mayor or a third of the Councillors to address a specific issue.
All meetings, with the exception of the Audit Committee and those meetings dealing with matters deemed by the Chief Executive Officer to be of a confidential nature, are open to members of the public.
Standing Committee Meetings
The Audit Committee and the Public Art Committee are the only Standing Committees of Council.
- Audit and Risk Committee Meetings
The Audit and Risk Committee meets quarterly or as required, however attendance at these meetings is not open to members of the public. The next Audit and Risk Committee meeting is scheduled for March 2025.
- Public Art Committee Meetings
The most recent Public Art Committee Meeting of the City of Gosnells was held on Friday 5 July 2024.
Public Art Committee Meetings are scheduled on an as needs basis so please check the City’s website public notices for details of upcoming meetings. The Public Art Committee meets as required and attendance is open to members of the public.
Live Streaming
The City will record the audio and video at all Council meetings and will be livestreamed on the City’s YouTube channel. If you would like to watch the livestream, please visit the City’s YouTube channel.