Rangers enforce the City's Parking Local Law 2012. Under the Local Law on the spot infringements can be issued for offences or Court action can be commenced.
Parking offences can be reported to Ranger Services: 9397 3000.
Safety around schools
Rangers patrol local schools to improve safety around schools and issue on the spot fines to drivers of vehicles found to be contravening the City's Parking Local Law.
Authorised Persons
The City of Gosnells Rangers are authorised persons for the purpose of administering the Parking Local Law 2012 within the district.
The City may also authorise other persons to enforce the local law in parking stations on private land such as shopping centres or educational institutions. Signage will be erected in these places to warn drivers that the local law applies to the parking station on that property. Authorised officers at these establishments can enforce the local law and issue infringement notices to the drivers of vehicles found to be parking illegally in that parking station.
ACROD parking
Parking for persons with disabilities is provided throughout the City at various locations.
These locations are clearly signposted with the blue ACROD ground symbol and appropriate upright signage. Only vehicles displaying a current registered ACROD permit are entitled to park in these bays. Penalties apply if vehicles are not displaying a current ACROD permit.
Verge parking
Parking on verges is prohibited unless you are the owner or occupier of the adjacent premises or you have permission from the occupier of the adjacent premises.
If parking restriction signage is installed that prohibits parking on a verge, then no vehicles are permitted to park on the verge, including vehicles owned by the adjacent property owner or occupier.
Parking on footpaths
Parking on or over any portion of a footpath is prohibited and is subject to an on the spot fine.
Some vehicle drivers believe they are being considerate to other drivers by parking on the footpath, particularly on narrow streets or roads. However, vehicles parked on footpaths can put pedestrians in danger, particularly children, parents with prams, wheelchair users, the elderly or people with visual impairments who are forced to walk onto the road to avoid the vehicle.
Parking infringements
Payment of parking infringements are due on or before the due date and can be paid in the following ways:
- Online infringement payments
- In person at the Civic Centre which is located at 2120 Albany Highway, Gosnells, or
- Via cheques and money orders posted to PO Box 662, Gosnells 6990
Please note:
- if you have not paid the modified penalty and payment is overdue you will incur additional costs,
- failure to take any action will result in the matter being registered with the Fines Enforcement Registry which may result in your Driver's Licence (or any vehicle licence held by you) being suspended.