Welcome to the City's eNewsletter subscriptions page. The City's eNewsletters will keep you updated about what's happening in the City of Gosnells.
To become a subscriber to our eNewsletters please enter your full name and email address into the box below and tick the eNewsletters that interest you.
City Update: A monthly update about what’s happening across your City, including information about capital works projects, community events, corporate news and more.
Libraries: Stay informed about the events taking place across the City’s four libraries and find out about the latest collection, events and resource news, sent monthly.
Business Update: Keeping the business community informed about the latest networking events, local business forums and free resources to help local operators grow their business, delivered to business every six weeks.
Community: Find out about the events and programs taking place in your community including festivals, children’s activities, workshops, community safety information and more, sent out every two months.
DRPAC: Find out about the performances coming up at the Don Russell Performing Arts Centre including booking information and special offers, sent monthly.
Seniors: A quarterly eNewsletter about the different events and activities for seniors living in the City of Gosnells, including how to register and contact details.
Youth and Children: Keep up-to-date with the latest activities, projects, school holiday and term programs for youth and children in the City, sent prior to each school holiday break.
Switch your thinking: A local government initiative that inspires sustainable action in the community of Perth, Western Australia. Subscribe to the Switch your thinking newsletter