The amount you pay in rates each year depends on the basis of valuation applied to your property. This valuation is determined by the Valuer General's Office, an independent State Government organisation, also known as Landgate.

The basis of valuation is either Gross Rental Value (GRV) or Unimproved Valuation (UV). For non rural properties, the Gross Rental Value (GRV) is used and for rural properties, the Unimproved Value (UV) is used. The GRV is an estimate of the rent a property could earn in a year. The UV refers to the site value of the property. GRV's and UV's are reassessed every three years and one year, respectively.

Based on valuation, rates are calculated each year and an annual rate notice issued to you. You'll usually receive your notice at the end of July each year. More detailed information about property valuations is available from Landgate.

Below are the Differential Rates, including minimums, for the 2024/2025 financial year as per adopted budget. 

Differential rates

The City of Gosnells has levied the following differential rates for each rating category for the 2024/2025 financial year.

2024/25 Rate-in-Dollar cents Minimum Rate
Gross Rental Values (GRV)
General GRV 7.055 $1,086
Commercial GRV 7.196 $1,086
Rural GRV 8.466 $1,086
Extractive Industry 13.405 $1,086
Town Centre 8.113 $1,086

Tenancy Agreements



Unimproved Values (UV)
Rural UV 0.3116 $1,086
Rural UV Agricultural Concession 0.2493


 How your rates are calculated graphic