Term expires: 17 October, 2025
Mob: 0409 076 155
Since being elected to Council in 2017, Peter has brought a wide range of professional and life experiences to local government. His passion is to help make the City of Gosnells a great place to live and bring up a family.
Peter started his working life as an agricultural scientist, working as a farm advisor in Tasmania. He was a pioneer in sustainable farming practices and has a long-standing interest in environmental issues. His interest in waste management has led him to being appointed to the Municipal Waste Advisory Committee. Peter believes that the Canning and Southern Rivers could become beautiful linear parks providing outstanding passive recreation areas within the City and is keen to progress this.
Peter went on to study theology and served as a pastor for 25 years, serving churches in Victoria and Western Australia. He ran a support group in Willetton for recovering drug addicts and their families for a number of years, as well as assisting in an exit program in Perth for women wanting to leave prostitution. These activities along with his pastoral experience has given Peter a deep insight into the struggles that some members of our community encounter, and he is always looking for ways to help people become productive members of the community.
In 2008 he was elected to the WA parliament as the member for Southern River and served in that role till 2017. His parliamentary experience provides him with a sound knowledge of government processes and what is involved in securing state and federal government funding for local projects.
Like many residents of Gosnells, Peter was born overseas. He came to Australia as a young child from Germany in 1961 and grew up in Tasmania. Peter and his wife Jenny have lived in Southern River for 15 years and have been very involved in community work, including serving on local school boards. Peter currently serves as chair of the Ashburton Drive Primary School board.