The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 1992 was designed to make State and Local Government more open and accountable to the public by creating a right of access to documentation.
The Act provides the following:
- Access to documents held by Ministers, State Government Departments, Local Authorities and Statutory Authorities
- Individuals have the right to view their own records and have them amended where they are inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or misleading
- A general right of access to State and Local Government documents. Agencies are required to assist the public to obtain access to the document at the lowest reasonable cost
The Act does not apply to information that is:
- Available for purchase or free distribution to the public
- Available for inspection under Part 5 of the Local Government Act 1995 or another enactment
- Available for inspection in State Archives
- Publicly available library material held for reference purposes
- Made or acquired by an art gallery, museum or library and preserved for public reference or exhibition purposes
- Personal Information
An agency may give access to personal information about the applicant.
The agency has to take reasonable steps to:
- Satisfy itself of the applicant's identity
- Ensure that only the applicant or applicant’s agent, nominated in writing, receives the documents
- Non personal information can include government documents and reports, etc
How to Make an FOI Application
The application must be made in writing, and must specifically detail the sort of information you are seeking access to.
Applications can be made online
An application fee (for non personal information) is $30; however additional fees may be levied depending upon the scope of the application.
More information about the process of FOI can be obtained by contacting the City’s Information Management Services Section to discuss your request on 9397 3295.
Information Statement
The City has prepared an Information Statement as required by the Freedom of Information Act.