Your library card entitles you to borrow up to 20 physical items at a time, and there is a broad range of new items arriving every week. There are books, DVDs, jigsaws, games, magazines and more. In addition, you may download or stream material such as ebooks, e-audiobooks, e-magazines, comics, videos and music. Supervision of material read, or accessed by, patrons under 18 years of age remains the responsibility of their parent or legal guardian.

You can borrow items from, and return them to, any of the City’s four libraries. You must present your library card, electronic library card, or an identification document in order to borrow. If you lose your library card notify the library immediately by phone, in person, or by using the online form.

Most physical items are loaned for an initial 3 week period. Automatic renewal of items will occur until the item has been on loan to you for 9 weeks, unless the item is reserved or has other restrictions. Items that are in high demand (3 or more people waiting for them) will only be issued for 10 days.

It is the member's responsibility to ensure items are returned on or before their due date. Items can be returned to any of the City's libraries during normal opening hours. Fines are no longer charged on items returned late however borrowers are encouraged to return items on time so other members can enjoy them too. An invoice will be sent for items not returned. Debts which remain outstanding may invoke legal action and summons to court. Unpaid debts for outstanding library items may affect credit ratings.

You are responsible for the items you borrow. Damage to, or loss of an item, will incur charges. While wear and tear of library items is expected, some examples of damage for which charges are likely to be incurred include:

  • Sticky tape and home repairs
  • Scratched or cracked discs
  • Cut or torn pages
  • Stains to pages caused by food or drink
  • Water damage
  • Missing or damaged dust jackets
  • Scribble on pages
  • Damage caused by family pets
  • Removal or defacing of library barcodes

If you borrow an item from one of our libraries and notice it has been damaged, please report it to library staff immediately.

If you can't find what you want on our shelves or in the online catalogue, you are welcome to lodge a request or suggest a purchase (you will need to know your library card number).