The list of suitable street trees is currently under review and will be available again soon.

Tree Pruning or Removal

The City's Local Laws and Policy provisions prohibit residents and ratepayers from removing, pruning and tampering in any way with street trees. If you are having issues with a street tree please contact the City and an inspection of the tree will determine any remedial actions required. Trees will only be removed where conditions warrant and other management options are not available. Most trees once they are established do not require significant pruning.

Scheduled Tree Pruning

Regular pruning on street trees growing near power supply wires is necessary to prevent trees from growing within the exclusion zones around these wires. This work is carried out during the months of January to June to ensure compliance with Western Power requirements is achieved prior to the onset of winter. The minimum clearance to the low voltage wires in suburban streets is 600 mm. The minimum clearance to insulated service wires (this is the feed wire to your home) is 300mm.

Trees on Private Property

Trees on private property can create a nuisance for your neighbour and have the potential to cause damage when branches or roots encroach onto the adjoining neighbour’s property. It is best to talk to your neighbour first, and tell the neighbour about the problem. This can result in agreement on the management of the tree.

There are a number of actions permissible for people on the adjoining properties but they do not involve encroaching onto the neighbour’s property without permission, or causing wilful damage to the tree, or making the tree unsafe.

Trees on private property are an issue between neighbours and the City does not normally have any authority to become involved. The City’s Call Centre can advise you with a process for resolving the dispute.

If the issue cannot be resolved by discussing it with your neighbour then it makes good sense to explore options with the Infoline at Legal Aid Western Australia as there are a number of mediation services that may assist. See the link below or call 1300 650 579.

The City becomes involved only after a private tree has been assessed by a suitably qualified arborist at the complainant’s expense. If the arborist has determined the tree represents an unacceptable level of risk, has recommended remedial works, and, the neighbour has refused to undertake those works within a reasonable period of time, then the complainant can raise the matter with the City.