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Read the Waste and Recycling Guide (contains calendar) to find out how you can help reduce waste and minimise costs by sorting your waste.
Note: To save costs, this guide is now available on our website, rather than delivering a printed guide to households. You can request a printed copy from our libraries or by calling the City on 9397 3000.
Don’t overfill your bin as this prevents the lid from closing, results in wind-blown litter and spillages during collection, and prevents your bin from being emptied properly.
What not to place in your general waste or recycling bins
Do not place the following in your bins as they can cause damage/fires in the collection truck:
- Hot ashes, bricks, tiles, building materials, sand, soil, concrete, rocks, asbestos
- Flammable liquids, petrol, paints, acids, chemicals, poisons, dry-cell batteries, motor oil, gas cylinders
- Car parts and tyres
What to place in your yellow-top recycling bin
All items should be clean, dry and empty. Plastic lids should be removed from bottles and placed in the general waste bin.
The following recyclable materials can be placed loose in your yellow-top recycling bin and not in plastic bags:
AluminiumAll aluminium cans including:
GlassGlass bottles and jars including:
Keep these items out of your yellow-top recycling bin
In 2018, China announced that it would no longer accept recyclable materials from Australia and other countries, leaving local markets to find alternative ways to process items collected through yellow-top household bins.
As a result, this has affected what can and can’t be recycled. Aerosols, meat trays, plastic lids and soft plastics can no longer be placed in recycling bins.
The City’s recycling contractor Cleanaway has provided more details of items that should not be placed in your recycling bin:
- Polystyrene, meat trays, cups and beads
- Green waste or food waste
- Gas bottles, flares and batteries
- Plastic bags or soft plastics
- Textiles or clothing
- Nappies
- Aerosol cans
- X-rays