The Restricted Burning Period has been extended until midnight on Friday 14 June 2024.
Permits can now be issued. 

Between 1 June and 30 September burning is permitted subject to compliance with the requirements of Clause 3.2 and 3.3 of the City of Gosnells Public Health Local Law 2017.

Applications will be accepted; however, applicants will only be contacted when conditions improve.

Conditions below.

  • 3.2 Burning rubbish, refuse or other material

  • A person shall not on any land less than 2,000 square metres in area, set fire to or cause to be set on fire, any rubbish, refuse or other material.
  • A person shall not on any land 2,000 square metres or greater in area set fire to rubbish, refuse or other material unless the burning complies with the Bush Fires Act 1954, and any annual fire hazard reduction notice issued by the local government under that Act.
  • A person shall not on any land 2,000 square metres or greater in area set fire to rubbish, refuse or other material –
    1. that includes any plastic, rubber, food scraps, or green garden materials; or
    2. when a haze alert has been issued by the Bureau of Meteorology for the period during which burning is to take place.
  • Subclauses (1), (2) and 3(b) shall not apply to any barbeque, solid fuel water heater, space heater or ovens fired with dry paper, dry wood, synthetic char or charcoal type fuel.
  • 3.3. Escape of fumes, odours and other emissions

    An owner or occupier of land or premises shall not cause or permit the escape of fumes or odours from the land or premises in such quantity or of such a nature as to cause or to be a nuisance to any person.

NOTE: At all times the Department of Fire & Emergency Services should be notified on 9395 9209 at least 15 minutes prior to commencing your burn.