• Current Event Details
  • Venue Details
  • Your Details
  • Complete

Please read the Terms & Conditions and Hire Fees & Charges before proceeding.

Social function bookings made with less than 14 days notice will incur a late booking fee.

Note: please provide supporting evidence along with the application as proof of entitlement to the Incorporated/Not for Profit rate
One file only.
40 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, psd, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, zip.
40 MB limit per form.


  • Maximum of one hour for cleanup permitted.
  • Four hours minimum booking applies to all social functions - not including clean up time.
  • Bookings MUST include the set up and clean up times. Entry prior to your Booking Start Time is not permitted.
  • No bookings past midnight.
Please include the setup time
Please include the cleanup time