Located in the heart of Canning Vale, the twelve hectare Nakaal Maya Balyan Boodjar is one of the most important Wetlands under the City’s management.

Surrounded by urban development the Reserve provide a valuable habitat for a wide variety of fauna and is home to bandicoots, frogs, songbirds and waterbirds.

The City’s management of the site is currently focused on key environmental weeds such as Pampas Grass (Cortaderia selloana) and Sydney Golden Wattle (Acacia longifolia).

The wetland is classified as Conservation Category under the WA State Wetland Policy (1991).  Unlike most wetlands on the Swan Coastal Plain, the Nakaal Maya Balyan Boodjar has not been extensively cleared and as a result it boasts a variety of vegetation which is in excellent condition. 

Named by local Aboriginal Elders, Nakaal Maya Balyan Boodjar translates to Peaceful Place Wetland.

Lot 849 Waterperry Drive
Canning Vale WA 6155