The City has a process of detailed planning for the management of its natural areas. It has developed, and is implementing, Management Plans for a number of key conservation assets:

  • Nicholson Road Wetlands Management Plan, 2021
  • Southern and Canning River Confluence Foreshore Management Plan, 2021
  • Holmes Street Bushland North: Revegetation and Weed Management Plan, 2016
  • Access and Bushfire Management Plan: Holmes Street Bushland North, 2016
  • Ellis Brook Valley Strategic Management Plan, 2016.
  • Mary Carroll Park Vision Plan, 2015
  • Shreeve Road Reserve Wetland Management Plan, 2012
  • Gosnells Golf Course Bushland Management Plan, 2010
  • Gosnells Golf Course Bushland Dieback Management Plan, 2010
  • Shreeve Road Reserve Wetland Fire Management Plan, 2009

Natural areas within the City are managed under the guidance of the Biodiversity Conservation Management Plan 2010. At the City of Gosnells a range of management planning strategies are used depending on the priority and complexity of issues affecting a natural area. These include:

  • comprehensive Management Plans;
  • Activity Plans; and
  • Threat Abatement Plans.