Ellis Brook Valley is one of Perth’s most popular visitor destinations and to keep it that way, the City of Gosnells is working with Gosnells Police to target theft from vehicles.

The City took the distinctive Gone in Less Than 60 Seconds (GILT60s) vehicle to Ellis Brook Valley in Martin on Wednesday 9 December to give people a visual reminder to be more aware of vehicle security ahead of the summer holidays.

Mayor David Goode said visitors to the picturesque picnic spot and hike trails were urged to lock their vehicles and remove valuables before leaving them unattended.

“People are often more distracted at this time of year and forget the basics, like keeping valuables out of sight and locking their vehicles, so we need to work together as a community to prevent these crimes.”

GILT60s is a joint initiative between local governments and the WA Police Force to show drivers how quickly thieves can take valuables from an unattended vehicle.

It is one of several crime prevention partnerships between the City of Gosnells and Gosnells Police, who recently caught and charged a number of people for offences across the metropolitan area, including in Ellis Brook Valley.

Gosnells Police Officer-in-Charge Senior Sergeant Craig Stephen said the message was simple: “Lock before you go and don’t leave valuables in your vehicle”.

“It can take less than 60 seconds for someone to break in, steal something and get away, so let’s not give people the opportunity to commit these crimes.”

The City and Gosnells Police will be hosting an event at Ellis Brook Valley in January to further promote vehicle security, so be sure to visit the City’s website at www.gosnells.wa.gov.au or follow us on social media for more details.

To report criminal activity or suspicious behaviour, please call police on 131 444.