Construction has officially begun on the Thornlie Community and Sports Hub.

This $5.6 million joint project – funded by the City of Gosnells, the Federal Government, Lotterywest and the Thornlie Bowling Club – will provide upgraded sporting facilities, as well as a new community centre and playground.

Mayor David Goode, who was involved with the initial planning, said he was particularly pleased to see this redevelopment get underway.

“This will be a great addition to the Thornlie community, providing many benefits to the bowls and tennis clubs as well as residents, who will soon have a terrific new meeting space with room for up to 200 people,” he said.

“These sports clubs have operated with ageing facilities for quite some time but it has been important to ensure we achieved the right design, quality facilities and budget, with great cooperation between the funding partners.”

A kitchen and servery will feature in the community hall, while the bowls club will have a combined function and members’ area, as well as a kitchen, bar, storage, offices and player facilities. The tennis club will also have a clubroom, office, storage, kiosk and servery.

Other aspects of the project include a 100-bay car park and new service access on Thornlie Avenue. The existing sheds and club room on Ravenhill Road will be demolished.

Mayor Goode said the building design offered great community access from Thornlie Avenue while giving the clubs direct access to the existing bowling greens and tennis courts.

The building also uses Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design principles to increase passive surveillance, including large windows to reduce blind spots and energy-saving measures such as solar roof panels, window glazing, roof and wall insulation, wide verandahs for sun protection and high ceilings for good ventilation.

For more details or project updates, please visit the City’s community consultation website or call 9397 3000.


Mayor David Goode and WA Senator Linda Reynolds (front) get construction underway for the new Thornlie Community and Sports Hub, with Freeman of the City Patricia Morris AM JP, Member for Thornlie Chris Tallentire, Member for Burt Matt Keogh, Thornlie Bowling Club President Terry Finlyason, Thornlie Tennis Club President Glenda Hoskin and Thornlie Bowling Club Treasurer Martin Stewart.

For more details, please contact the City’s Communications and Marketing office via