The City supports the arts and encourages local groups to list their details for inclusion in this resource guide. Please complete the form at the bottom of the page to register your Arts Group.

The following groups have registered with the City and are run by members of the local community.

Performing Arts: New City Theatre (Inc)

Venue: Don Russel Performing Arts Centre
Description: Facilitators for the production of community theatre

Performing Arts: Older Women’s Network Theatre Group

Venue: Don Russel Performing Arts Centre
Contact: Ruth Kershaw 9493 2734
Description: Drama, Singing and dance for women over 50

Creative Inspirations at the Knowledge Centre, Gosnells

Contact: Lizanne Fernandez 9391 6000
Meet: Every fourth Monday of each month from 10:30am- noon.
Description: Various arts and crafts activities. Bookings essential.

Liddelow Homestead Arts & Crafts Club Inc

Venue7 Cooper Avenue, KENWICK
Contact: Geoff Rycroft, Administrator 9459 7228
Meet: Monday - Saturday
Description: A variety of Art and Craft classes and social groups. Saturday children’s classes. 
Fees: Membership and class fees applicable.

Liddelow Woodturning Group

Venue7 Cooper Avenue, KENWICK
Contact: Dave Barrett 9459 2357
Meet:  Monday am, Tuesday evening, Thursday am
Description: Suitable for both experienced and new turners, providing individual expert tuition. Very reasonable rates. New members welcome. Come along and make new friends and learn an interesting new skill.

McFarleane House Learning Centre Inc

Venue: 27 Wheatley St, Gosnells 6110
Contact: 9394 0233
Meet: Monday - Friday
Description: Learning Centre offering a variety of Art/Craft classes.
Fees: Membership and class fees applicable.

Thornlie Church of Christ Craft Group

Venue: Thornlie Church of Christ, 319 Spencer Road, Thornlie
Contact: Peggy Hill 9490 7852
Meet: Wednesday 9.30 -11.30
Description: Oil Painting, Knitting, Card Making, Fok Art, Harkhanger.

Culture Shack

Venue: Shop 8, 5 Fremantle Rd, Gosnells
Contact: Kirstan Fuller 0497270988
Meet: Thursday - Sunday
Description: This is for local artists, offering a space in an already retail sector.

Gosnells Writers Circle Inc

Venue: Thornlie Leisure Centre meeting room, 1 Culross Ave, Thornlie WA 6108
Contact: Jenny Lynch,, 0417 940 009 , 
Meet: 2 x Friday per month - members only
Description: GWC promotes and encourages the craft of writing in all its forms. Publishes SHOWCASE magazine for the support of members work. Encourages members to upskill their writing with workshops and critique Promotes literature in the City of Gosnells Interested persons may apply.

Arts group listing