Search our catalogue
If you’re looking for a particular item or just want to browse the newest additions, check out the online catalogue where you can reserve local items or place an inter-library loan request. For items showing as "Available" we strongly advise you to phone the library before you visit to ensure the items aren't loaned out before you arrive.
We do offer a click and collect service for members. Simply reserve your items via the online catalogue and when you receive notification that the item is available you can drop in any time during normal opening hours to collect. You will need your library card to reserve and collect items. If you need any assistance, please feel welcome to contact one of our libraries where staff are available to talk you through each step.
Search elsewhere
Can't find what you're looking for in our catalogue? It may be available as an e-resource, check out our collections page for online options for e-books, audiobooks, movies, music, comics and magazines. If the item is not available electronically, a request to purchase a physical copy can be made once you login to My membership.
Alternatively, you are welcome to visit other libraries and borrow their items direct. It is highly recommended that you contact the library before visiting, to ensure the item is available and to check their membership requirements.
Please phone your preferred library if you require assistance as staff are always willing to help.
Ask for assistance
If you have a complex research enquiry you may wish to access the State Library of Western Australia's "Your Enquiry Service" (YES), an online enquiry service for all Western Australian information seekers. YES is an easy way of finding information across a range of areas using an online enquiry system. Questions received through YES are responded to by experienced State Library staff. The National Library of Australia runs a similar service called Ask a Librarian.