A management plan prepared for the Nicholson Road Wetlands in Canning Vale by Biologic Environmental Survey in 2021 recommends revegetating 2.16 hectares of degraded parts of the land with up to 66,000 plants.

The management plan is a requirement of the West Canning Vale Outline Development Plan: Development Contribution Report to ensure the protection and enhancement of the significant conservation area. It includes detailed flora, vegetation, fauna and hydrological studies. 

The 9.3ha wetlands reserve consists of intact Melaleuca Woodlands ranging from ‘good’ to ‘excellent’ condition.

The southern end of the reserve contains a 1.44ha patch of the federally listed Threatened Ecological Community (TEC) ‘Banksia woodlands of the Swan Coastal Plain’ in mostly ‘excellent’ condition and two priority flora species Schoenus benthamii and Jacksonia sericea.   

A dieback assessment by contractors in March 2020 identified the site had infestation with dieback. Banksia Woodland TEC is a key foraging resource for Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo and dieback poses a risk to the woodland. The City will treat the reserve with phosphite every three years to protect susceptible plants from dieback.   

The fauna survey in both winter and spring found that the reserve provides an important refuge for wildlife, with 48 species recorded. These included nine mammal species, 26 bird species, nine reptile species and four amphibian species. The presence of red foxes and cats are the greatest concern.

Three significant fauna species were recorded; the Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo, the Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo and the Quenda. An estimated population of at least 31 Quenda juveniles and adults inhabited vegetated parts of the site. This is considered to be a very high density Quenda population for a Perth urban environment and is of high local significance.  

The planting will take priority in the coming years, along with the installation of new fencing and a dual-use footpath along Nicholson Road. This will improve the recreation experience for the community and control access into the reserve. The City will also continue to manage weeds, litter, feral and domestic animals as well as dieback at the reserve. 

Nicholson Road Wetlands Management Plan 2021

Nicholson Road Wetlands
Canning Vale WA 6155