The City of Gosnells Safe City Initiative has partnered with Keep Australia Beautiful WA (KAB WA) to support the Adopt-a-Spot litter program.
The KAB WA community litter prevention program Adopt-a-Spot, encourages individuals, community groups and businesses to ‘adopt’ a site in their local community and keep it litter-free. Adopt-a-spot participants are also encouraged to report graffiti and other property damage and help the City achieve its mission of making the City of Gosnells a great place to live.
Adopters agree to look after a site for two years and KAB WA provides clean up tools, an adoption certificate, volunteer insurance, safety information and recognition on the Keep Australia Beautiful website honour roll.
It’s a great way to get involved in your community, meet new people, get physically active and help keep your neighbourhood and WA litter-free.
Please note that volunteer contact details will be distributed to both Keep Australia Beautiful and City of Gosnells for record keeping purposes and only used for the Adopt-a-Spot program.
For more information or to register your interest, visit, call 6364 7210 or email