Report Graffiti
Telephone: 9397 3000 (ALL HOURS),
Online: report on the DGOV Goodbye Graffiti website link
What are we doing?
Council has a full time team of 'Graffiti Technicians' to combat graffiti vandalism, methodically working its way through the various suburbs removing graffiti.
Their aim is to assist the community by removing graffiti from fences, buildings and walls that adjoin public open space such as footpaths, laneways, reserves and streets.
The campaign requires the assistance of the community to achieve its goal to rid our city of graffiti vandalism and will remove the graffiti as soon as possible after notification. To many residents graffiti is not only ugly and unsightly, but can be quite threatening, particularly if graffiti vandals trespass onto their property.
Together with the Safe City Initiative YOU can help to minimise the effects of graffiti and make the City of Gosnells a Great Place.
Police Reports
All graffiti incidents on Council infrastructure are recorded and photographed and provided to police as evidence.
If you have any information regarding who may be vandalising your neighbourhood you should report this to Police on 131 444, or you can remain anonymous by reporting it to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or on the DGOV Goodbye Graffiti website link.
Frequently asked questions
Why remove graffiti as soon as possible?
Evidence shows that the sooner graffiti is removed from an area the less likely it is to recur. This works best when all the graffiti has been removed from a targeted area.
If I leave the graffiti on my wall won't the vandals be satisfied and leave it alone?
There is overwhelming evidence to show that graffiti attracts graffiti and if it's not to your wall or fence then it will be on adjoining properties.
What will it cost me to have graffiti removed from my property?
The City will remove graffiti under certain conditions from private property free of charge. This is specific to graffiti that is under 2 metres in height, visible from a public road or adjoins a public open space, provided a waiver has been accepted and signed. Commercial properties may be requested to supply paint to remove graffiti from their premises as the City’s graffiti team cannot match all colours.
Please note the City does not remove graffiti from private assets such as cars, trucks, boats etc. For further information on what assets the City cleans please contact City Facilities on 9397 3000.
What about graffiti on other structures such as railway stations and power poles?
The City does not remove graffiti from State Government assets such as these. Any graffiti on State Government property can also be reported on the DGOV Goodbye Graffiti website link.
What can I do to help?
- Take pride in your property and remove graffiti as soon as possible after discovery.
- If you are a member of a service club or the local Neighbourhood Watch group you could promote your neighbourhood as a graffiti free area.
- Consider the possibility of graffiti attacks when building a new fence. High brick, timber and asbestos fencing are particularly vulnerable to graffiti.
- A lower, more open, style of fence or the planting of creepers, or plants like bougainville, along fence lines and walls will help deter graffiti.
- Include an anti-graffiti coating on surfaces such as brick or painted fences.