State Planning Policy 7.3 Residential Design Codes (R-Codes) is a state planning policy that applies to all residential development in Western Australia. The codes set out design provisions for residential developments based on the development type, density and zoning.

Zoning and R-Coding

Residential zoned lots are designated an “R-Code” based on the development density permitted in the area. The R-Code is reflected in the size of the lots and can range from low density housing to high density apartments. For example, areas zoned R17.5 or R20 are suitable for low density housing with lot sizes averaging upwards of 450 square metres, whereas R60 and R80 areas are suitable for apartments or other high density developments with lot sizes averaging 150 square metres or less.

Deemed-to-comply and design principles

The codes set criteria including provisions for boundary setbacks, open space, outdoor living areas and many other elements. The design principles outline the intent of each section, while the deemed-to-comply provisions set standards that are considered to satisfy the design principles.

Residential Vehicle Parking and Access

The City's Residential Vehicle Parking and Access Guidelines apply to residential development and define the minimum requirements for vehicle parking bays under Australian Standard AS2890.1 (as amended) in accordance with Clause 5.3.4 (C4.1) of the Residential Design Codes Volume 1 and Clause A3.934 of Volume 2. 


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