The City of Gosnells is among the most culturally diverse local government areas in greater Perth, with more than 43 per cent of residents born overseas and almost a third of residents speaking a language other than English at home.

Watch as residents share their experiences on what it was like to migrate to the City of Gosnells. 

For more information on local multicultural services click here or email 

Migrant Stories (full length)



Migrant Stories  Introduction


Migrant Stories  First Impressions


Migrant Stories Decision to Migrate


Migrant Stories  Challenges


Migrant Stories  Homesickness


Migrant Stories  Culture Shock


Migrant Stories  Advice for New Migrants


Migrant Stories  Life in the City of Gosnells


A special thanks to contributors Elvie Yap, Astit and Richard Olszowy, Christine van Aurich, Deena Abrahams, Syed Muzaffar Ahmed, Johanna Walenzyk, Pepe Halatau, Jessica Nguyen, Fauzi Majid, and Rakesh Bhan.

Migrant Stories supported by the Department of Social Services.

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