Growing Together in Gosnells workshop series

This series is aimed at providing local community groups, sporting clubs and non-profits with the skills and knowledge to build their capacity. 

Growing Together in Gosnells Website Banner


Upcoming Workshop

Ready, Set, Volunteer - CANCELLED

Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances this workshop has been cancelled

A workshop about the benefits of volunteering, different types of volunteer commitments and how you can find local opportunities to support your community. 

Community leader Matthew Pham will take you through his personal journey, motivated by his family's story of hardship as Vietnamese refugees and his passion for giving back. 

Date: Tuesday 21 May 2024

Time: 10am - 1pm

Location: Thornlie Park Centre, Lesser Hall 

To RSVP, please send your name, organisation you will be representing and if you have any dietary requirements to

Upcoming Event

Celebrating and Caring for Volunteers 

We invite all volunteers within the City of Gosnells to this event in recognition of the important work you do in the community.

Volunteers will be treated to a massage, entertainment, food and thank-you bag. 

Date: Friday 24 May 2024

Time: Doors open at 5.30 event starts 6pm - 8pm

Location: Don Russell Performing Arts Centre 

To RSVP, please send your name, organisation you will be representing and if you have any dietary requirements to