The City of Gosnells will celebrate Seniors Week next month with a range of fun-packed activities and events designed to boost health and wellbeing. 

Events include a garden party, Have a Go Day outing, community dinner, a musical at DRPAC, water safety skills, art workshops, and grandparent and intergenerational activities.

 Mayor Terresa Lynes said Seniors Week runs from Sunday 10 November to Sunday 17 November this year.

 “Keeping physically, mentally and socially active is important at any age, because of the impact it has on health and wellbeing,” Mayor Lynes said. 

“I encourage seniors in the community to attend one or more of the events and make the most of the celebrations that are planned. All City of Gosnells residents deserve to enjoy a great quality of life as they age.”

 Details about Seniors Week events are available by clicking here.