The City of Gosnells is committed to minimising its environmental impact and to maintain and enhance existing environmental assets. 

By taking such actions the City will support a vibrant and sustainable community for the enjoyment of current and future generations.

The City's sustainability priorities are to:

  • Aim for net zero corporate emissions
  • Reduce waste and promote a circular economy
  • Source environmentally responsible goods and services
  • Support the community and local businesses to reduce emissions

The City of Gosnells is one of the founding councils of the Switch your thinking program. The program was founded in 2002 and continues to be an innovative program for residents and business. 


Latest sustainability news

Sustainability Action Plan -  The City has recently endorsed it's new Sustainability Action Plan which sets out how the City will work towards a more sustainable future.

Greening Gosnells: Our Public Tree Strategy - The Greening Gosnells plan outlines the actions the City will take to increase tree canopy and maintain our existing tree assets. 

Green Civic Centre - we are proud of our 5-star Green Star rated building and are keen to share our experiences.

  • Be a Great Sort aims to improve our community’s comingled recycling contamination rate down to 25% by the end of 2023.
  • An introduction to the our natural environment and our role and initiatives in environmental management.
  • The City of Gosnells proudly supports a range of sustainability initiatives to make our community a better place for the future. As one of...
  • The National Construction Code includes provisions for energy efficiency for Class 1 buildings and certain Class 10 buildings. Find out more...
  • We're proud of our 5 Star Green Star rated building and are keen to share our experiences.
  • Advice on suitable plants and landscaping techniques for your home garden that can provide food and other resources for native wildlife and...
  • The management of street trees within the City is guided by the City of Gosnells Street Tree Policy.
  • Switch Your Thinking engages our community in actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Join bicycle and walking groups and explore the City of Gosnells
  • Find our more about the City's move to Waste to Energy to process our general waste collection
  • The City applies industry best practices to maximise our water efficiency in our parks and reserves. Find out more here.
  • The City of Gosnells was endorsed as a Waterwise Council in 2021. Since this endorsement, the City has worked to improve upon this...
  • The City of Gosnells is a Waterwise Council and, as such, encourages residents to save water. One way to do this is to create a Waterwise...
  • Help to create a zero waste environment by using worm farming and composting in your home garden.